Monday, February 2, 2015

Halle Berry and Nahla Could Care Less About The Paparazzi

'Miles And Me' actress Halle Berry and her daughter Nahla spotted at a medical center in Beverly Hills, California on February 2, 2015. Rumors are swirling that Halle has given her husband Olivier Martinez and choice to go get help for his out of control temper or she will file for divorce.'Miles And Me' actress Halle Berry and her daughter Nahla spotted at a medical center in Beverly Hills, California on February 2, 2015. Rumors are swirling that Halle has given her husband Olivier Martinez and choice to go get help for his out of control temper or she will file for divorce.
Halle Berry and Nahla were spotted at a medical plaza. Its apparent that no matter how many people Olivier Martinez knocks out, the Paparazzi are not going to leave this family alone. Halle was keeping it casual and cute in boyfriend jeans and sandals. To be Honest Miss Berry can do no wrong. Do you agree or disagree?
'Miles And Me' actress Halle Berry and her daughter Nahla spotted at a medical center in Beverly Hills, California on February 2, 2015. Rumors are swirling that Halle has given her husband Olivier Martinez and choice to go get help for his out of control temper or she will file for divorce.'Miles And Me' actress Halle Berry and her daughter Nahla spotted at a medical center in Beverly Hills, California on February 2, 2015. Rumors are swirling that Halle has given her husband Olivier Martinez and choice to go get help for his out of control temper or she will file for divorce.

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